59 research outputs found

    Efficient Online Surface Correction for Real-time Large-Scale 3D Reconstruction

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    State-of-the-art methods for large-scale 3D reconstruction from RGB-D sensors usually reduce drift in camera tracking by globally optimizing the estimated camera poses in real-time without simultaneously updating the reconstructed surface on pose changes. We propose an efficient on-the-fly surface correction method for globally consistent dense 3D reconstruction of large-scale scenes. Our approach uses a dense Visual RGB-D SLAM system that estimates the camera motion in real-time on a CPU and refines it in a global pose graph optimization. Consecutive RGB-D frames are locally fused into keyframes, which are incorporated into a sparse voxel hashed Signed Distance Field (SDF) on the GPU. On pose graph updates, the SDF volume is corrected on-the-fly using a novel keyframe re-integration strategy with reduced GPU-host streaming. We demonstrate in an extensive quantitative evaluation that our method is up to 93% more runtime efficient compared to the state-of-the-art and requires significantly less memory, with only negligible loss of surface quality. Overall, our system requires only a single GPU and allows for real-time surface correction of large environments.Comment: British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), London, September 201

    Nitchu kankei ni okeru keizaikai no tachiba to yakuwari : shuyo gyokai no kokusai senryaku o chushin ni (shinsa hokoku)

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    <p>a. BSHS-B domain scores for six domains for seventeen studies. b. BSHS-B domain scores for three domains for seventeen studies.</p

    Top ten injuries with highest disability in the Netherlands by accident category (2007–2011)<sup>1</sup>.

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    <p>Top ten injuries with highest disability in the Netherlands by accident category (2007–2011)<sup><a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0110905#nt109" target="_blank">1</a></sup>.</p

    Additional file 2: of Predictors of health-related quality of life after burn injuries: a systematic review

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    Summary of 19 multivariable predictive studies of HRQL in adult burn patients according to time assessment points. (DOCX 43 kb

    Health related quality of life in adults after burn injuries: A systematic review - Fig 5

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    <p>a. BSHS-B domain scores for six domains for seventeen studies. b. BSHS-B domain scores for three domains for seventeen studies.</p

    Instruments used to measure health-related quality of life in >1 study.

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    <p>BSHS-B = Burn Specific Health Scale—Brief, SF-36 = Medical Outcome Study Short Form—36 items, EQ-5D = EuroQol five dimensions questionnaire, BSHS = Burn Specific Health Scale, BSHS-A = Burn Specific Health Scale—Abbreviated, BSHS-R = Burn Specific Health Scale Revised, 15D = 15-dimensional health-related quality of life instrument, QLQ = Quality of Life Questionnaire, SF-12 = Medical Outcome Study Short Form—12 items, QOLS = Quality of Life Scale, WHOQOL-BREF = World Health Organization Quality of Life—BREF, YABOQ = Young Adult Burn Outcome Questionnaire.</p

    Number of leprosy patients arising from contacts after 2 years according to physical distance of the contacts to the index patient, by intervention (standard treatment <i>vs.</i> chemoprophylaxis).

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    <p>Number of leprosy patients arising from contacts after 2 years according to physical distance of the contacts to the index patient, by intervention (standard treatment <i>vs.</i> chemoprophylaxis).</p
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